By Rev - 18/03/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, I was working at Coldstone. When a customer tips us we are required to sing. A late night DJ came in, put 20 dollars in the tip cup, and asked to hear every song we had. After we sang one song he looked at me and asked me to please stop singing or he was taking his money back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 126
You deserved it 8 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

green_199 0

Not a FML. You got a $20 tip. Did you actually WANT to have to sing more?

I don't expect my local Coldstone workers to have Grammy-worthy talent. I expect them to sound like people who work for $6.75 an hour or whatever and are required by their part time job to sing to customers. I don't even like that rule, I think its awkward and kind of humiliating.


hsmiles 0

Yeah, I usually try to "let" them "not notice" my tip. That's so crappy that they have to sing.

marieee_fml 0

i used to work at coldstone. singing was the worst part. and u dont have to audition to work there, they hire u like any other job hires u, but they do ask if u like to sing haha. and we dont 'sing for tips'. when u tip us at least $1 we're pretty much forced to sing. oh and to the kid who said they wanna try that and put it on youtube, u sir are a dick! we hate people like that.

I hate it when they sing at Coldstone. I know the employees have to do it, but its obnoxious as hell.

inlimbo11 0

what i wanna know is, did the rest of the workers continue with the other songs?

Komatose 0

What a dick. When I tip, I tell them not to sing. I feel really really bad when they sing. @28, I think that's (technically) illegal. Since most of the workers are minors.

I work at coldstone. I feel your pain.

OhSoFoxy 0

I work at Cold Stone too. Some people are generous, other people are lousy tippers. What I really hate is when I help a large group, and they don't tip at all.

OhSoFoxy 0

FTR, I didn't have to sing at my interview either.

KingDubya 0

If he took the tip back, then I'd call this a FML. But as it is you got 20 bucks to have a guy criticize your unprofessional singing abilities. I'd call that a good day.

#11....well, i would think this is something you'd know when you apply or interview for the job. #28...when you post that video send us the link! :P