By Fattie - 09/07/2009 17:50 - Malaysia

Today, I was working at the gas station. An old lady was watching me fill her gas tank. A really beautiful girl walked by. I lost concentration and overfilled the tank. I quickly pulled it out and squirted the old lady with a bit of petrol. She was smiling and gave a slight moan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 284
You deserved it 14 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

" I quickly pulled it out and squirted the old lady..." Oh I bet you did.

HAHAHAHAHAHA She wishes that petrol was know.


lcsun69 0

At least is was only a 'slight' moan, eh?

Rmoline 0

I think the story is made up. The pump stops automatically is the tank is full. The differential pressure switch is extremely sensitive. I'm sure that even in Malaysia they have those. But his life sucks anyway if he has to made up stories to post here...

OP: where i come from, gas pumps stop automatically. and last i checked, i live in the same country. to those who said it could've been because the pump was malfunctioning, he said it was because he lost concentration.

magnerdian1763 0

loll this is actually pretty funny but idkk it doesnt seem very possible

that_one_dude 0

Oh, the amusment of suggestiveness and subliminal messeges....

hmm... why does this feel like a metaphor for something else.....

DieHard3 0

Thats soo disgusting... I would be mad if gas was squirted on me..