By LoveYouTooMa - 20/06/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I wasn't feeling too well and consequently threw up. In an effort to get some sympathy, I told my mom about what happened. Rather than trying to make me feel better, she yelled at me because I threw up in the bathroom sink "when the damn toilet is two feet away." Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 928
You deserved it 32 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I woulda been pissed too. doesn't take much effort to pull up a toilet seat and then flush it rather then cleaning the sink.

yarbles 3

i agree, cleaning up sink puke is a bitch. you should throw up on her


Thumbelina18 0

OP first of all why would you want her to pity you? That's kind of stupid. And moms can be bitches sometimes. My mom would have done the same thing. Just grow up and get over it. :/

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

Hmm. OP sorry you weren't feeling well but why do you need to get sympathy from your mom? You need to get over yourself. Throwing up doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

WallyTheWombat 0

op = original poster. pretty much the person who posted the FML

Trying to go look for sympathy because you puked is kind of pathetic. Plus your mom's right. You try cleaning puke out of the sink.

YDI for telling her to get sympathy. And your mom has a good point.

ydi for "trying to get sympathy" maybe you should stop whining and go clean the sink

your mom is right! who the **** is stupid enough to puke in the sink? where are the chunks supposed go you douche?

sloop_fml 0

she has a valid point idiot, use the ******* toilet next time

I usually go to my dad for that kind of stuff. OP, the bitch should be happy it wasn't on carpet; just saying. carpet-puke takes forever to clean :P