By LoveYouTooMa - 20/06/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I wasn't feeling too well and consequently threw up. In an effort to get some sympathy, I told my mom about what happened. Rather than trying to make me feel better, she yelled at me because I threw up in the bathroom sink "when the damn toilet is two feet away." Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 928
You deserved it 32 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I woulda been pissed too. doesn't take much effort to pull up a toilet seat and then flush it rather then cleaning the sink.

yarbles 3

i agree, cleaning up sink puke is a bitch. you should throw up on her


This happened to me in the nurses office when I got the stomach flu. It's so awful when they get mad at you for being sick.

letitbe56 0

It's easier to clean it off the floor than it is to clean it out of the sink. If you can't make it to the toilet, just let it go on the floor.

this is not an fml...first off, why do you need sympathy for not feeling well? it happens to everybody and I don't know anyone else crying about it. Second, if the toilet IS two feet away, then i'm sure you could have thrown up there instead without too much effort. my mom would have said the same damn thing. stop crying

maybe she could not hold it in much longer, That happens to me but my mom does not care she even cleans it up. She understands that I don't do it on purpose. Fyl that sucks ;(

DesiGir324 0
dancingdoggy 4

I am surprised by the amount of people who can control when their vomit comes... For me, if I make it to the toilet, yay! I've been known to be 2 feet away, and I can't hold it, and it DID wind up on the floor in FRONT of of the toilet. If there had a been a sink, that would have been awesome. But hey... I can't control my vomit. Stomach has more power than me. Sad, but true.

I usually get a warning and get ready.

For all those saying YDI, what the hell is wrong with you? It's next to impossible to control when you are going to throw up. Such as the time I was in choir practice and had the stomach flu. Yes, I knew I was sick, but it was a very important weekend rehearsal just a couple of weeks before a big show. My stomach suddenly started feeling weird, and I ran off the stage and out of the auditorium. I made it to the payphones right outside before I lost it. The bathroom was right next door. It's impossible, people. If ya gotta puke, just do it. Anyone around you who has a heart won't be mad.

I feel like your mother is right. I can understand if the toilet was far away, but I it's that close you should have use the toilet. Stop trying to get sympathy