By LoveYouTooMa - 20/06/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I wasn't feeling too well and consequently threw up. In an effort to get some sympathy, I told my mom about what happened. Rather than trying to make me feel better, she yelled at me because I threw up in the bathroom sink "when the damn toilet is two feet away." Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 928
You deserved it 32 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I woulda been pissed too. doesn't take much effort to pull up a toilet seat and then flush it rather then cleaning the sink.

yarbles 3

i agree, cleaning up sink puke is a bitch. you should throw up on her


I feel your pain my mom said that to me a few times...

dopebaby420 0
Seabeast1000 4

that happened 2 me at my bros graduation party!

EmilyKitten9 0

Clean that shit up, and try to aim for the toilet next time dumb ass.

yeahiknow0 0