By Twitchy - 14/09/2011 23:20 - Bahamas

Today, I watched a cat pounce on a small bird and rip it to shreds, feather by feather. It wouldn't have been any worse than mildly disturbing, had I not just spent the last 4 weeks nursing the bird back to health from a broken wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 772
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like what happened to the Atlanta Falcons last Sunday.


perdix 29

Take These broken wings And learn to fly again . . . nomnomnom!

life feeds on life... its the way the world runs... dont like it??? tfb

Geneside 8

Wel hungry cats just kill it once off

To shreds you say... tsk tsk tsk, and what about the cat? shreds you say...

#52 I had to register now just to say how funny your comment was. Oh that proffessor.

is it just me or does this remind anyone of the simpsons episode in which bart takes care of a pidgeon and his dog eats is 0.o

mikechek 3

Like Final Destination u can't stop death.... It was meant to be