By Twitchy - 14/09/2011 23:20 - Bahamas

Today, I watched a cat pounce on a small bird and rip it to shreds, feather by feather. It wouldn't have been any worse than mildly disturbing, had I not just spent the last 4 weeks nursing the bird back to health from a broken wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 772
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like what happened to the Atlanta Falcons last Sunday.


There are millions of birds in the world. Why bother?

miZscrZee 0

Uhmm. Why didn't u HELP scare the cat away?? Instead of standing there and watch.?

So the only reason you cared about that poor bird was basically because you now feel the last four weeks were a complete waste of your time. You are an absolutely horrible person.

iluffmcrandbvb 1
keshaforever1 14

You didn't try to scare away the cat???

Naw, I just let something I invested both time and money in go up in a bloody romp. I would've saved it if I could, but it was too late by time I realized what was happening. The cat apparently likes playing with dead things .-. -shrug-

neonblue120 6

Mother nature is a spiteful bitch... then again she's pissed because we're always messing with her.

leadman1989 15