By anonymous - 22/04/2011 05:20

Today, I watched a YouTube video at work because I was bored. I forgot I was on a conference call and my computer's desktop was shared with 15 other people. No one said anything till it ended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 410
You deserved it 44 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

misa08 0

lol hopefully it wasnt nothing that bad

RookiePyro 0

AliceStar, I hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as "not on the Internet anymore" once it's there it's always there....somewhere


mintcar 9

30, why do you always sound angry? Calm the **** down. You're calling him an idiot, yet you don't seem to understand contractions and how they work.

MegamiKaosu 28

5&14 both had funny comments 30 you need to chill out 14 was a joke and you just flipped over nothing ,like it seem like you always do. step back and look at the comment again, you might get it

shit I would have done the same thing my work is boring as hell, so your life sucks but atleast you got some quality entertainment

Please, please let it have been the nyan cat video. Lmao

I think 14 worded it weirdly or no one could get it.. Cause it wasn't that bad of a joke.

baconboy_42 8

How dumb are you? Do you have to leave a note to remind you to wipe after going to the bathroom?

you are a fucktard. with so many people out of work, I'm sure you can be replaced by someone with more than 5 brain cells.

Coulda played it off; "Well, the call was gettin' a little slow, I figured you guys could use a short distraction.". Though that approach also depends greatly on the content of the video :P

I call BS on this one. Couldn't you sorta HEAR 15 OTHER PEOPLE TALKING TO YOU FOR CHRISTS SAKE!