By anonymous - 22/04/2011 05:20

Today, I watched a YouTube video at work because I was bored. I forgot I was on a conference call and my computer's desktop was shared with 15 other people. No one said anything till it ended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 410
You deserved it 44 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

misa08 0

lol hopefully it wasnt nothing that bad

RookiePyro 0

AliceStar, I hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as "not on the Internet anymore" once it's there it's always there....somewhere


I guess they were all bored. xP but seriously, i hope your boss didn't see it!

As long as it wasn't something like 2 girls 1 cup, you should be fine.

Ohhhh that is totally disgusting!!! My mate told me to type that in google, by the time I clicked on the site and worked out what was happening I nearly threw up!!!

notquite69 0

You're an idiot, and a lazy one at that.

FMLsOhilarious 6

How could you forget you were on a conference call? YDI.

abasio 1

This is what I was thinking: how do you forget your in the middle of a conference call?

perdix 29

I guess everyone loves Rebecca Black!

Primo_Loco 0

 you're still here?!!? I hvnt been in FML for about over a year back when snickerdoodle was practicly first in every posts (still don't know what happened to her)

haha that botch made an acoustic version! check it out! it's somehow even worse

perdix 29

Primo_loco, Her mom banned her from FML. She had a long note on her profile. Look for snickerdoodles with an s on the end.

14 your a ****** IDIOT what 5 said was funny GET A SENSE OF HUMOR there the BEST you can't live life WITHOUT laughing so take the STICK OUT YOUR ASS AND LAUGH

How do you forget your desktop was shared? I hope you get fired...

Primo_Loco 0

I was saying something similar to 30 but it didn't send I guess so Ima just say I agree 