By anonymous - 22/04/2011 05:20

Today, I watched a YouTube video at work because I was bored. I forgot I was on a conference call and my computer's desktop was shared with 15 other people. No one said anything till it ended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 410
You deserved it 44 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

misa08 0

lol hopefully it wasnt nothing that bad

RookiePyro 0

AliceStar, I hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as "not on the Internet anymore" once it's there it's always there....somewhere


I feel like I've read this post before. But , YDI.

stroudie94 9

did you watch the dirty song by cars can be blue? if so I know why they waited till the end of the conference.

rjensen511 0

YDI!! how on earth could u just "forget" u were on a conference call, usually on something like that people are doing something called talking, did you just tune all that out you moron? and word of advice just don't watch "YouTube"(yeah right we all know it was ****) WHEN YOUR WORKING!!!

Misschief 2

This is exactly like another fml, instead they said surfed the internet instead of watched a yoitube vodeo.

soapiemonster 0

how can that be embarrassing? it's just YouTube.

FinJage 18

So they're paying you to watch youtube videos?

Miranday 0
TrueStory22 0

You deserve it for not working.

So you "forgot" you were on a conference call and put a dirty video on? Tut tut you dirty Perv! lol. You seem to work with 15 other pervs... ;)

Probably because they were astounded that you had forgotten about being in the conference call.