By Anonymous - 21/01/2012 00:55 - United States

Today, I watched The Omen with my father. Halfway through driving me back home, he stopped the car and made me get out right there in a rough part of town. Fifteen minutes later, he drove up beside me, laughed hysterically at how terrified I was, and told me to get in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 790
You deserved it 2 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aeshleyrose 6

I see years of therapy in your future.

every1luvsboners 11

Tell him in that 15 minutes you were sodomized, forced to smoke crack, shoot up heroin, give a homeless guy a BJ, did 15 jumping jacks, got a pedicure and you're pregnant with the liquor store clerks baby.


Your dad is a huge **** for doing that.

perdix 29

Are you named Damien? Maybe you suddenly scared the shit out of him.

Haha that was my ex's name and he scared the shit out of me...

You should serve him pancakes with a huge grin.

every1luvsboners 11

Tell him in that 15 minutes you were sodomized, forced to smoke crack, shoot up heroin, give a homeless guy a BJ, did 15 jumping jacks, got a pedicure and you're pregnant with the liquor store clerks baby.

The_Tool1 13

That happened to me once, but then I woke up

... being pregnant, high as shit, and with nice nails too. You had no period at the end so I thought I would finish the sentence for you. No need to thank me.

Ins_Knie 2

Of course you don't have a period when pregnant. lol

Look again dummy there's a period there

^ Dear dummy, try using reading comprehension. She wasn't talking about the post that you're looking at.

You just stepped into WEST SIIIDE, ESE! Where you from, vato?!?

21-Apparently, OP's from New York. What park of New York, I have no idea. I did enjoy reading your comment in a Mexican accent.

bubo_fml 10

I almost lost my fudge when I saw the originals, Omen I & 2, back to back, when I was 9 yrs old!

You stayed in the same spot for 15 minutes?

..or a congressman/-woman who would come up with bullshit equal or greater than SOPA/Protect IP.

Ins_Knie 2

How would dad otherwise know where to pick her up?

Critical thinking was bloody murdered in a gory fashion by street gangs and idiots in their attempt to dominate the world.

Ins_Knie 2

32/36 - first of all the original comment 24 was a question, not a made up detail. Secondly, driving far away increases the chances of not finding her IF she walks. Thirdly, if he follows and she walks, she'd probably spot him earlier. Therefore she probably stayed put and dad just went around the block and parked. YOU tell ME about critical thinking?

Ins_Knie 2

Your insults certainly make good arguments. Hmmm, so the car is silent. I'm sure she doesn't look whether she's being stalked at walking speed... Any survival guide recommends staying put if you depend on being rescued.

Survival guide in the wilderness... Not the ******* ghetto.

Haha that's kinda mean.. But reeeally funny!!!