By Anonymous - 11/02/2012 01:06 - Canada

Today, I watched "The Vow" with my girlfriend. When the movie ended, we walked out to the theatre's lobby, and I heard her mutter, "I deserve a guy like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 623
You deserved it 10 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say chick flicks are good for men

No one can beat Channing Tatum. It's impossible I'm sorry..


Girls that think like her deserve to be single. The guys not perfect so what neither is she I bet.

twisted_cherub 14

All I know is that my mom once gave my cousin the best piece of advice I've ever heard... "I can fall in and out of love with Dusty (my dad) a dozen times a day, but I stay through the out of love times because I know he's still the man I originally fell in love with and committed to be with for the rest of my life, and the good outweighs the bad. Love is not 'all you need' to make a life together. You have to be ready for forever."

geod69 8
DaMan25 4

Dude same issue with me my girlfriend wants to see the vow and I don't want to but I can't tell her that so I have to see it also :(

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

I agree, especially because more than half of those actors you see on TV are cheated on and/or divorced faster than a roadrunner on happy pills.

musicluvr2000 11

Yes she does deserve to be dumped by a "guy like him"

thesockbunny 5

If you heard her say it, you were meant to. Take the hint and shape up!

linkinpark98 23

YDI for going to see The Vow in the first place.

CheerGrl0001 4

Heck no Channing Tatum is amazing no one can compare to him.. If you tried you'd be left in the dust!!!