By Anonymous - 11/02/2012 01:06 - Canada

Today, I watched "The Vow" with my girlfriend. When the movie ended, we walked out to the theatre's lobby, and I heard her mutter, "I deserve a guy like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 623
You deserved it 10 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say chick flicks are good for men

No one can beat Channing Tatum. It's impossible I'm sorry..


Mkbitch 2

Lol I think every girl wants a guy like Channing Tatum. I do!!

Bummer for you. Sorry you sacrificed the hours of your life on that movie. Comments like hers make the rest of us look bad.

sammyjanette 17

Dumb her? No I think dumb you. :)

Ya just like a guy follows a girl on fb and then they bragg about it

The thing about those types of girls Is they make me want to hurl They are not very nice And I hope she gets pubic lice

now roll the dice, oh nice she did it twice. my advice is to clean that pubic lice it smells like a fish slice and some wild rice.

TrollisMe 5

I seriously thought that said public lice....

twisted_cherub 14

No such thing as everlasting love. Love is an emotion, and saying you'll feel anything every minute of every day for the rest of your life is a lie. Lust draws us together, love prompts us to stay, commitment keeps us together when all else fades away.

grace12898 0

If you want to keep her you could say something like let's start over and this time I'll treat you like you should be treated. Go from there. Choice A: screw that bitch first chance and leave. Choice B: treat her extra special ;)

Oh my goodness I saw that movie tonight... It was not the best I'll give you that much

what?? that movie was so touching. what was bad about it?

Guys like that are an illusion...fantasy and nothing more. In reality, men are ugly, hairy, rude, smelly, dirty slobs who should be downright grateful that women want anything to do with us. I realise that I just violated The Man Code #948.2, section 3, but **** it. I'm already married.

mom2pen 4

That is so true. Men are pigs who will never live up to the sham perpetuated by tv and the movies.

The Brotherhood of Masculinity would like to have a word with you, Doc.

Yes. All true, Doc. But real women love real men any way

That was all correct until the "who should be downright grateful that women want anything to do with us" part. Someone putting the female gender on an unrealistic pedestal much?

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

Actually, comment 115, back in the day men treated girls with chivalry. Women were something of prize and were to be respected. Yet, as of now, they are expected to live in the kitchen and to pleasure whatever need that a man desires. Therefore, although a bit sexist, it is not unrealistic.

aron7628 5

Actually women were not respected back then, take for example ***** houses and the refusal for women suffrage. We respect women more now than ever so stop being retarded. Second off there is no excuse for violating the man code, your punishment will be a manly challenge that the council will present to you when the time arises. This requires a full reinstatement of your man card license.

180, You don't know what you want. Either you want everything to take the traditional form of a relationship or the modern form. You can't expect to be able to change in your attitude towards men and then not expect the same to happen to you. The role of the man in the household as changed just as much as that of the woman, but women can't seem to identify this. Tell you what, when women respect the role of the male then we may start returning the favour. Until then, you can just take what you get.

sataris20 5

Yu now have a good template for what to do!