By fsfs - 17/08/2013 16:27 - Germany - Kiel

Today, I went downstairs a little after midnight to grab a snack, and in the dark hallway, I clearly saw a small child walk into the kitchen. I was freaked out, but I followed him in. There was nobody in the room. I'm now too scared to sleep, and am seriously considering moving house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 580
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I admire you following him. I would have gotten the hell away from there.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Set up cameras, it was probably just a trick of the eye, or you have some paranormal gift.


If you ever see anything again get the hell out. Don't be one of those people who stays long enough to "bond" with the spirit and it takes over your life.

Sleep with the lights on. at all times. no matter what happens.

I have some rather simple advice for you, OP: Make yourself stop believing in ghosts. No ghost has ever appeared in front of someone who subconsciously believed that ghosts don't exist. Once you teach your mind to not think "it's a ghost!" when you see something dubious, then you'll easily find explanations for every "paranormal" thing you encounter. [Sometimes the explanation is just that your mind tried to scare you, so that you'd increase your defensiveness towards e.g. darkness. It's a method to increase chance of survival.] But yeah, stop believing in ghosts and you'll never see another ghost again. [As is evidenced by the fact that the only people who ever saw ghosts are the ones who (subconsciously) wanted to believe in ghosts because they were afraid of death being the absolute end of their existence.] Now then, time for me to get downvoted into oblivion.

mimiminx 23

Quite possibly the most sensible comment I've ever read on FML. Here's my up vote, sir!

Usually a child apparition is not a child at all but a demonic spirit. Good luck and be nice to it

Don't dig that's a bad idea! Move now while you still can

Mrs_Captain_Hook 12

My house was haunted, random closets open, etc, we told it we didn't mind it living with us but it needed to clean up after itself, that was 4 years ago and we have experienced it once since. (Btw my house is a block from a cemetery and the crematorium was once on this land)

I feel for you, OP. I just read one too many zombie stories on creepypasta, and I can't sleep.

what the ****. i'm honestly speechless. why do apparently about 80% of commenters not even doubt the existence of ghosts?! OP, you were tired, maybe part of your brain was still sleeping. That kid was a product of your imagination. I know its creepy and scares the shit out of you. but its not real.

Unless it was real and not a product of OP's imagination at all. DUN DUN DUN.