By Anonymous - 31/01/2013 21:29 - United States - Beloit

Today, I went for a checkup after having recently been fitted with dental implants. The oral surgeon I chose was supposedly the best in the area, but it turns out that he inserted the implants at the wrong angle. Now I have to have further surgery to correct it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 586
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImWhiteBoy_WhoRU 10
laughtersplay 14

I hope you don't have to pay for that extra surgery. Sorry you went through crappy service OP.


Implant dentist has Backward Day. So sorry, OP. :( He should pay to correct it, or you (or your insurance company) should go after him. Hope the asshole didn't make you sign one of those don't-disclose-on-the-internet forms.

Someone messes up that bad with me and doesn't offer to make it right, I will scream loud enough for the next 5 counties to hear it. Wouldn't need the Internet at that point. Hell, I just did it to a serviceman at my home and got 800 in repairs for free. I'm normally a very nice and understanding person about mistakes. I'm not so nice when they don't make them right.

May I rent out your screaming services?

Sure thing. :) I think I scare people more because I go from sweet to super bitch so quick.

CharresBarkrey 15

I am so emotionally torn with this comment. I can't decide if this is a Friends reference, and I really want to be excited about it if it is.

At least here, if he asks you for a date, YOU can say - "One of the advantages of being a dental patient is that I can know the handwork of the dentist before I go for a date with him, and in this case it's a big NO."

The_Water_Ninja 9

I remember that fml nice way of applying it in this case

Aaaaand stating the reference just made it less funny. Seriously, nobody cares if you get the reference. Thumb it up and move on...

Next time you see him, make sure you have a dentist's drill so you can shove it up his ass.

It was a joke... surely you know of jokes... why so serious?

Im just trying to be the commentor fml deserves.

Jokes are funny. That was just immature and crude.

The commenter FML deserves? What horrible sin did FML commit to deserve that?

^Sunkissedluster. That person brought shame to the pride of being an fml commenter.

FFML_314 11

I'm proud to be the queen of shame here at FML. Although it has been quite awhile!

I'm trying to find some sort of positive from this, but I can't. Fyl.

Could have been worse. Could've been breast implants.

Time to do what I did...threaten to not only take your business elsewhere, but to refuse payment & sue for mental anguish, pain & suffering, loss of work (if you work & have been unable as a result of the pain) dentist not only did my dental work for free, but also cleared my balance owed & did free work for my wife & her daughter..(aprox $5,000.00 balance was only $350.00) :) He didn't want bad "word of mouth" publicity, loss of possible referrals or a lawsuit.

If you can prove that he ****** up,and did it wrong, I'd say sue him. That's messed up.