By tinfoilnirvana - 30/04/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant near my home that I have never eaten at before. It was so good I went back tonight for more, and the restaurant has been boarded up. It is closed due to food contamination. Inspections happened today. I ate contaminated food for lunch today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 947
You deserved it 4 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...and it was so good you went back for more! lol.

doof_fisch 2

You should have read your fortune cookie at lunch.


LOL that's awesome, despite everyone saying "not necessarily".. There's never been a clearer case of having eaten at a place when food preparation was really insanitary.

Dude are you serious? I have seen this story SO MANY TIMES ON THE INTERNET.....

#27 best comment ever, but off topic. I find a little food poisoning isn't too bad... If you're lucky its just some little violations failed inspection, if you're a little less lucky they found some pests inside or didn't prepare their food properly... If you only ever eat at places that have the food prepared to be completely free of anything harmful and keep everything really clean, you'll never build up immunity except to airborne things... TL;DR: A little unhealthy food isn't so bad, least it tasted great. I would have eaten there again.

why would they board it up for food contamination?

Maybe you contaminated it... kidding!

swine flu doesnt pass via pork 14.... douchebag

lilaznkoolioz 0
0 3

Food contamination is bad. You will probably get sick. You do not like being sick. Thanks for spelling this one out to the bitter end OP!