By Hot Pants - 01/12/2011 17:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I went into hospital and was being treated by a really cute doctor. Not knowing that I was going to end up here, I put on novelty underwear this morning. Well, at least he found the little green glow-in-the-dark skulls amusing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 430
You deserved it 5 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

Better than glow in the dark unicorns.


linnie_wesker 20

.... why do you care? You're in the hospital, your underwear should be the least of your worries.

hateevryone 14
serenitychaos20 6

Nothing wrong with getting your glow on! :P

Ah, the difference between man and woman. Woman: believes that no one will see her underwear, wears novelty underwear. Man: knows that he is getting laid that night, wears novelty underwear.

fisrt time a girl took my pants of was at the hospital. bad bike crash at a diwnhill race in ontario... awkward

Yeah thats pretty cute actually. Could have been far worse.

how exactly is this a fml? "oh I'm slightly embarrassed fml" ****** drama queen

adam218 0

That is not an FML thats awesome

bubo_fml 10

Sticking to the skeletal theme, did the good Dr. offer to plaster your bones?