By Hot Pants - 01/12/2011 17:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I went into hospital and was being treated by a really cute doctor. Not knowing that I was going to end up here, I put on novelty underwear this morning. Well, at least he found the little green glow-in-the-dark skulls amusing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 430
You deserved it 5 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

Better than glow in the dark unicorns.


My friend has glow in the bananas on there boxes.... But they don't look like bananas when the lights are off

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Think of it this way OP....their jobs must be pretty boring with all those granny panties and strait boxers. You probably made their day. A little laughter goes a long way. =)

shrdlu 28

I've always wanted to see a newspaper article that said "Two of the victims were treated and released. The third was wearing Donald Duck underwear and was denied treatment."

sneeze_watch 19

So what exactly is the downside of this FML? That you were in the hospital? Cause those underwear sound really cute and I would like to know where I could get some.

chels1994 11

They sound pretty cool to that wrong?

miZscrZee 0

Oouueee!! Glow in the dark! :D where'd u get those?

JinxosGirl87 0

I bought my boyfriend boxers with glow in the dark stars and words that say "big dipper" :)

theonlysweetpea 10

#18 Have you never been treated by a doctor? Every time I go to the hospital they make me strip. Is that not normal?

bitch, thats the only kinda underwear i wear!