By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 14:09 - Australia

Today, I went into work and noticed one of my fellow colleagues had a large bunch of flowers on her desk. As soon as I saw her, I immediately said, "Happy Birthday!" Everyone went quiet. It wasn't her birthday; her father had died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 476
You deserved it 56 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

More like F you for making assumptions.

Nothing says party like black tulips and red roses.


DareToDream7 0

Can everybody PLEASE just shut up and STOP saying the OP deserved it??? Seriously, SHUT THE **** UP, NONE of you would have assumed it was a death in the family! ALL of you would have assumed that it was either her birthday or she had an admirer. So you can all take your hypocritical comments and shove it up your ass or I'll do it for you. As well, none of you would have asked "What's the occasion?" because you would have felt awkward for not knowing it was her birthday or if there was a death, etc because you would feel insensitive for NOT KNOWING. Are we understood? Because I swear to GOD if one more person says "YDI for making assumptions, I wouldn't have made assumptions, I clearly would have known it was a death in her family because I'm so ******* smart and intuative and I know everything so I woulnd't have ever thought in a million years that it was her birthday." I will lose it.

Wow. Your fault for making assumptions..

my dad died yesterday.. i dont think it was the ops fault assuming it was their birthday.

you look like a ******* prostitute..put some clothes on

bananal_fml 0

Are you one of those people where your friends all tell you you're gonna get shot?

WTSchool 0

Hmm. I don't think you deserve, but you should've seen what they were for first...

LemonLolly 10

...Who gives someone flowers for a birthday?