By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 14:09 - Australia

Today, I went into work and noticed one of my fellow colleagues had a large bunch of flowers on her desk. As soon as I saw her, I immediately said, "Happy Birthday!" Everyone went quiet. It wasn't her birthday; her father had died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 476
You deserved it 56 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

More like F you for making assumptions.

Nothing says party like black tulips and red roses.


Mooshkotola 0

Hey, birthdays are why so many people do get flowers so it's understandable. Don't beat yourself up and don't let others give you crap about it.

Your spelling is ridiculous! F your life for that.

You obviously don't even know her that well( if don't know her bday )so why even bother? Made me laugh though, so thanks!

collegeshmollege 0

well, honest mistake, although probably wasn't her birthday if she wasn't looking too happy.....

Ugh, that's why it's not a good thing to be so assuming. YDI

midav 2

DumbA$$ for making assumptions and double DumbA$$ for poor spelling....

Owned by life. Were you ever able to look her in the eyes afterwards?

4leafedchlover 0

All I thought while reading this is that I would like to buy you Hooked on Phonics. Happy birthday to you!