By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 14:09 - Australia

Today, I went into work and noticed one of my fellow colleagues had a large bunch of flowers on her desk. As soon as I saw her, I immediately said, "Happy Birthday!" Everyone went quiet. It wasn't her birthday; her father had died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 476
You deserved it 56 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

More like F you for making assumptions.

Nothing says party like black tulips and red roses.


As they say "if you assume things you make an ASS out of U and ME" LOL accidents happen, maybe you both will look back at that day and laugh..Maybe.

aww that really sucks! I hope you apoligized?

mylittlecrow 0

Surely you would have noticed she was upset.. But i'd say both YDI and FYL

Haha just quit your job, your probably not wanted there anymore LOL

I don't see why you'd jump to the decision that it's a birthday celebration -- I've ordered flowers brought to my wife once or twice before just because she was having a bad day, and it could have been any of a number of things. The correct response to seeing flowers is probably, "Hey, what's the occasion?" That as it may be, I'll say FYL, because of all the things it could have been, a death is about the worst, and the least-expected.

agree with #158 completely. you deserve it one was singing happy birthday, there were no balloons, only flowers. you fail.

hahahaha #5. i feel bad for luaghing, but damn that is ****** up.