By Queso Dog - 02/10/2012 14:42 - Japan

Today, I went on a bad first date and the guy was more into it than me. I tried to scare him away by only speaking in robot voice, with robot arms. He thought it was adorable, and told me I reminded him of his mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 254
You deserved it 28 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

megapeyt 17

You totally deserved it if you actually thought that would work.

unknown_user5566 26

You deserve it. Should've just told him you weren't into him, and asked to part ways.


lmfao! now i look like the idiot at her desk snickering in the corner haha I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO SEE THAT! and yes to #119

Robot voice and must be one hot geek jezebel...

RoBi1475 0

This is why a dateing lemon law needs to exist. If you are not into it you should have a certain amount of time to back out with no hard feels.

You kind of... kind of... were a bitch...

Kristoffer 35

Whatever happened to honesty and frankness?

Lol where do you find him in the first place?

D_R_I_C_K 1

I'm thinking about getting metal legs, it's a risky operation but it'll totally be worth it. :p

ahahaha ! at least he has a good sense of humor :)