By Anonymous - 14/06/2016 02:39 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, on a first date, he told me I look like his ex's mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 242
You deserved it 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eeeeeekkk. Please don't tell me that's why he's dating you. Maybe he's into MILF and was just looking for a girl who looked like her. *shudders*


Maybe he got tired of Stacy's mom saying no so he pursued you?

Who could ever tire of Stacy's mom? I mean, she's got it going on

I'm sorry OP :/ how did he exact you to respond to that? If you really like him, I would laugh it off and try to forget the whole thing ever happened

Eeeeeekkk. Please don't tell me that's why he's dating you. Maybe he's into MILF and was just looking for a girl who looked like her. *shudders*

Unless FML has changed their gender icons and has put a dress on the male icon, then OP is a girl.

WavRace 14

Someone isn't over their ex yet, smh to bring her up on the first date

Is he someone your daughter used to date?

I think you understood the FML wrong.

#9 - Actually, #7 understood it perfectly. The guy could've been dating OP's daughter, if OP had one.

The joke was that OP is, in fact, the ex's mom and therefore bears a striking resemblance to herself. I'll admit not the most clever joke but I thought you'd catch the nuance.

God, I'm pretty out of the loop on modern courting rituals, but I hope you at least had the decency to tell him that he reminded you of of your firstborn paternal aunt. Now THAT would romantic.

What a dick! How can someone say that on a first date? Obviously it's the worst idea ever, how you reacted to that? Please, tell me that you punched him, he deserved it.

Sir_Cow 17