By Proudlyintp - 13/08/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date for coffee. He was smart, good looking, and friendly. While we were talking about our respective families it became abundantly clear that I have heard these stories before. I realized that 6 months earlier I had been dumped by his brother after sleeping with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 978
You deserved it 34 347

proudlyintp tells us more.

I am the OP and am going to clarify the original post because in trying to keep to the letter limit, the tenses got confusing. I originally dated the brother "A" for a month and half. He has a very common last name. After we finally slept together he immediately went missing, which happened to be before I could meet a large portion of his family. Now 6 months later on a different blind date with brother "B" we were talking about respective families. Almost immediately the stories started to ring very familiar. He was telling a story about his brother who worked for him and it became abundantly clear that I had heard the same story only from a different perspective. Since there is a yuck factor with dating brothers and I am not really into creating family drama needlessly I am bowing out.

Top comments

You either live in an extremly small town, or just have the worst luck ever haha.


thats wut u get for going on blind dates

PlatanitaFrita 0

Ydi for being such a hoe and ummm INES ur a ***** too. Maybe u should be bbf :) or should I say best hoes forever!

sallen0046 4

Ok, so what? You're seeing this guy now, not his brother. It's completely irrelevant that his brother is an asshole. **** this guy's life for wasting his time on someone like you, who judges him by the actions of his family.

WHY IS EVERYONE READING THIS WRONG?! She slept with a guy, got dumped, and now met his brother on a blind date. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!

Don't cheat. But if you do, keep it out of the family. What a way to make yourself sound awesome...

I am the OP and am going to clarify the original post because in trying to keep to the letter limit, the tenses got confusing. I originally dated the brother "A" for a month and half. He has a very common last name. After we finally slept together he immediately went missing, which happened to be before I could meet a large portion of his family. Now 6 months later on a different blind date with brother "B" we were talking about respective families. Almost immediately the stories started to ring very familiar. He was telling a story about his brother who worked for him and it became abundantly clear that I had heard the same story only from a different perspective. Since there is a yuck factor with dating brothers and I am not really into creating family drama needlessly I am bowing out.

Felecorr 0

SHE DIDN'T SLEEP WITH THE GUY'S BROTHER. The guy had sex with her, and dumped her afterward. I would have to blame the OP for the confusion in this case.

CooLbEAnS1096 0

I'm from Wisconsin, want to go on a date with me... ; )