By confused - 09/04/2011 08:08 - United States

Today, I went on a date for the first time in eight months. He didn't make a move. I then asked if we were on a date. He said, "I don't know, I guess." I can't tell either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 774
You deserved it 5 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He thought you were until you asked, so he got embarrassed and pretended like he didn't know. Obviously

You think every guy is obliged to make a move on the first date? Sounds like you don't need a date. What you need is a one-night stand. Go to a bar instead. There will be plenty of guys ready to make a move.


just cuz you're on a date doesnt mean you have to engage in physicle activity.. especialy if its your first one... no values or ethics in today's world.. its really saddening...

Thats the problem these days, people get physicle within the first few dates then soon after realise its not working... They dont take the time know one another , instead they just accumulate mileage....not a good thing.. Maybe you're like that but i sure aint . And just cuz its no longer the 1800 doesnt mean people have to forget about ethics and values...

they obviously didn't have great chemistry.. they couldn't even tell if they were on a date. even if so, it's trashy.

Mimiroxxi 0

I have to agree with 34, making a move on a first date is a bit too fast IMO. if you're making a moving too fast you're only going to know a little to none about that person.

agreed... who cares if it isn't 1800 anymore, there's something called class and basing a relationship on sexual chemistry is NOT a smart thing to do...ever wonder why divorce rates are so high?

iAmPaul 49

funny, you shouldve made the move first though.

UpsidedownKayak 9

If neither of you know if it's a date then it isn't a date, it's just a night out.

does someone have to make a move on the first date? maybe you should just try and have fun and get to know him and not his willy wonka..

akeller3298 1

This isn't an FML , YDI for not making a move.

you expected to be raped on first date?

You can't rape the willing, and from the looks of it, OP wanted some.

raboof 4

What happened to just trying to have a good time? If you want to make a move, make a move, if you don't (yet), don't, just don't be all hung up about it...

Cheer up! The question you'll both ask on your next date is, "Is it in yet?" Don't you just love those brain-teasers?

ADL8 0