By confused - 09/04/2011 08:08 - United States

Today, I went on a date for the first time in eight months. He didn't make a move. I then asked if we were on a date. He said, "I don't know, I guess." I can't tell either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 774
You deserved it 5 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He thought you were until you asked, so he got embarrassed and pretended like he didn't know. Obviously

You think every guy is obliged to make a move on the first date? Sounds like you don't need a date. What you need is a one-night stand. Go to a bar instead. There will be plenty of guys ready to make a move.


supersaggysack 0

So all you hear these days is that all guys are pigs, and only after one thing. This guy is respectful and gets knocked for it? So sick of the hypocrisy...and have no idea why people are agreeing with you. FML...Today, I met a nice guy tonight who wasn't trying to sleep with me. Like the others said, if that's what you wanted, go to a bar. Or in your case, the supermarket in some slutty clothes would have worked just as good.

today, I was on a date with a girl. I was too nervous to make a move. she later asked me if this was supposed to be a date. FML.

you sir are classy...I like your style

cajekraze 7

why does he have to make a move? if you're unsure, don't ask. that's just bitchy. put your hand on his leg and move up. if he stops you, you're probably 'just a friend'. If he lets you get to the playground, he's down for you to go down. quit waiting for things to happen, be the change

cajekraze 7

I actually agree more with slice_of_life

why is there no middle ground? no "wait! this is TOO fast!"?

Nuahavizu 17

You know, the most annoying thing in the world is women who refuse to make a move if they want to. also, OH NO! single for 8 WHOLE months? HOW DO YOU SURVIVE!?!? If you were that desperate for anything, you kiss him your god damn self.

Not everyone has to make a move on the first date.. really. It's the first date. I don't even kiss someone until I am in a relationship with them for a few months. Most of you will probably just say I am a prude, but I like to wait and I think the first date shouldn't involve "first moves".

I don't think that's prude at all. It means you respect yourself and don't just anyone. Good for you:).

*and don't just kiss anyone. Blonde moment. My bad.

i agree with you fully #70 . ethics and values are being lost with each passing year :(

FajitaFreak 3

So? Maybe he doesn't want to make a move on the first date. It's not all about sex.. Or you could make the first move. Most guys love that, I know I do. It gets frustrating when the guy is expected to ask the girl out, plan the date, pay for it, make the first move and perform admirably during sex. All the pressure is on us.

you should of just walked away for him saying that

Sorry, but there is no law that states that he has to make a move on a first date. Dating is about finding the right person for you, not having sex, and then making the decision. If he said that he didn't know if it was a date or not... let it go, he probably just likes you as a friend. I just got my first girlfriend since 2007, this past 2 months, of course since it was my choice; however, 8 months is nothing, you've survived without a guy for 8 months, be patient, it's not the end of the world. Try asking a guy out... guys get nervous to ask girls out some of the time. Be a woman and ask a guy out! My recent girlfriend... she made the move, she asked me out, it's not that hard.

Maybe he was shy or nervous? Maybe he's not the type of guy to "make a move" on the first date. Maybe he wants to get to know you first.