By Anonymous - 22/02/2010 11:28 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a guy that I have been crushing on for 2 years. At the end of the date he tells me that he is moving away and as his going away present, I could pay for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 081
You deserved it 3 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel sorry for you because you're realizing so late that he's an asshole, but you also deserve it for not working up the nerve to talk to this guy earlier. It would have made life easier to find that out sooner. I knew my friend for years, and I waited WAY too long to tell him how much I cared about him. 3 months into us dating he died in a car accident. My point is, don't wait for that shit, do it as fast as you can. Rejection is not as bad as we make it out to be.


bigpapi210 0

well OP that's your fault. u shoulda told him how u felt, u took to damn long. fyl

Laketh 0

YDI, for the plain fact that you're a woman, you should have made him dinner, and if not, then you should have known it was your responsibility to pay for it.

LOL Laketh, i wonder, do you date a lot? do you date beautiful women? do you make them pay for Your dinner every time? i think NOT..FYL not the OP's

Laketh 0

Want to see pictures of me and my wife? Dont judge, because of the remarks I make, I have a sexy wife and can back it up.

so did your wife pay for your dinner every time you took her out? lol, it's fine if you were being sarcastic or something...but otherwise why should she pay for him? if he doesnt wanna pay for her dinner then each can pay their own..i would've walked out if i was in OP's place

YDI for not putting out the first moment you saw him

Now you know he's a douche which should make you like him much he's moving away, so you'll forget about him soon enough..

That actually makes sense, MercyFml. I mean the date could have just thought the OP was doing it as a goodbye thing. ...but oh wait. He told her on the date. -_- So either there was a misunderstanding on the OP's end in regards to the type of "date" it was or the date was a top-notch moocher. Either way, we're all going to die.

oneforme 0

beg him to go out one last time fo some fun. then let him lick your anus and as u enjoy I let a huge fart into his mouth a d maybe even. push out a little turd and then so no charge !!

I'd tell him I only have money to pay for myself. What a jackass. He should have told you at the beginning.