By vividrabbit - 12/07/2009 13:29 - United States

Today, I went on a first date with a guy I really hit it off with. Then he admitted that he was a recovering heroin addict and had to cut our date short to go to the methadone clinic. When I got home, I realized that my wallet was missing $40. I think he lied about the "recovering" part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 884
You deserved it 5 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ever thought that MAYBE you POSSIBLY left the $40 at the restaurant, leaving it to pay for the bill but ACCIDENTALLY paying too much without noticing? You shouldn't just jump to the conclusion that your date stole it just because they take/took drugs.

ewwwww well look at it this way, at least now you don't have to waste your time on a 2nd date


Ydi for going out with a crack addict how could you not tell

She said he was a heroin addict. Crack and heroin are two completely different things. FYL for not knowing the difference.

You probably just spent the $40 and forgot... if he's honest enough to tell you he's a recovering heroin addict and taking methadone then he probably wouldn't steal your money

'cut our date short' could perhaps translate that he didn't find the date the way you did, and wanted to get away from you asap. a little part of you feels somewhat humiliated, and you don't want to admit it... so you fabricated the 'stolen $40.' to put him down somehow... if he were 'hitting it off really well,' I believe he's not that impulsive to steal money from someone. I mean, drug addicts are addicts. But come on, he's not an animal, or barbaric... did it somehow make you feel better though, pushing the blame to him? oh yeah

Steph94_fml 0

well, wow. this is def. fml worthy

babumocha 0

y'all obviously haven't spent much time around heroine addicts. one of my best friends dated one and not only did he (the addict) steal from just about everyone he came in contact with (including developmentaly disabled people) but he also got my friend into drugs... To the OP, stay away from him, sorry you got your money stolen.

haha that sucks. at least it wasnt like 100 bucks.

go and do a blood test for STD, especially HIV-1. needle sharing.

ellbtvsvm 0

Um...they went on one date...did you even read the FML?

Gotta watch out for those dudes in bands. XD

not all heroine addicts steal i dated one and he never stole from me, and he was in and out of rehab, never judge a book by its cover, just because he is recovering doesn't meant that he won't relapse, it's very easy for any addict to relapse, especially once they've gone into heavier drugs such as heroine.

ovidicus 0

Repeat, saw the same exact post last week by someone else Don't fake fml, not cool