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By GetOutOfMyHouseLoser - 08/12/2013 23:44 - United States

Today, my unemployed scumbag boyfriend sold a painting I had just bought so he could buy phoney drugs that he told me he had quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 812
You deserved it 17 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why he was even your boyfriend prior to this happening


If she replies "No I think he'll change" then OP deserves it. Stealing to buy fake drugs, that's just ******.

"GetOutOfMyHouseLoser" suggests that she does.

whiteboy896 9

Am i the only who is getting annoyed by all these "you mean ex?" comments on Fml's about relationships?

well, concidering OPs name, it should be unnessesary to ask if he's now an ex or not...

Somuchart 3

Why do we always ask if they meant their ex? I hope he's not her ex, alright? Because I like reading these damn FMLs, and if everyone broke up with one another there wouldn't be anymore. So stop encouraging op to break up with him so I can enjoy my sad lonely life.

You have a boot and a door. Use both.

frizz101 22

Sorry 59 in this case I do hope OP broke up with him, that is a toxic relationship with the boyfriend being nothing more than a parasite. But I do agree with you on most other fml relationship issues, this one will never work.

Pretty sure 59 was just sort of joking and being sarcastic.

I don't know why he was even your boyfriend prior to this happening

caohm 18

hes dumb enough to show his true colors around but don't you be dumb enough to not end a bad relationship.

Why are such low lives like this allowed to walk the earth?

hunts19ketchup 23

#3, because you don't get to decide who lives and dies, nor can you control the behavior of others.

Because they have doormat girlfriends to enable them.

Why do people like that even have partners when I'm sober, drug-free and single...

Same here. Its probably because we're the minority and people are too lazy to choose decent people to be in a relationship with.

#51 not everyone wants the help though, there are many people content to live their lives like this. Sadly they do exist, and well it may be judgmental to assume the boyfriend is one of those people this FML really doesn't suggest he's one of the ones looking for help.

37, technically we can decide who lives and who dies, but the court system also decides who gets locked up and who doesn't.

47: It comes down to one basic rule of thumb. Douchebags get chicks, nice guys get married.

it's not exactly because of 'doormat girlfriends.' once a guy like this sucks someone dry until she has had enough, he will go on to the next one to repeat the same behavior. girls do it to guys, too. but the horrible significant other in these situations has rarely taken advantage of just one person. that's just the way it goes. sometimes the person waits until they've fully hooked someone until showing their true personality.

Considering OP's username is "Get Out Of My House", I'm going to assume OP has already done the deed.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

And then you sold the drugs to get ba - Wait, this isn't going to end well.

lexi365 20

Or stay single and wait to find a guy that is worth it.

If he's not an X by now then you are going to have a bad life.

That was his way of telling you that he hated the painting.

olpally 32

Girls still date guys like that? Jesus. Hope you dumped him now. What a lazy ass ****.

TheDrifter 23

They seem magnetically drawn to them. In fact, I pretend to be one when trying to pick up women because it works so well. Just let them see the real you slowly and they'll think that they really can change a man.

My now fiancé was a scumbag like that at one point. He stole to support his addiction. But he also did time for it and realized what he was doing and he's a perfectly functional member of society now. Employed and clean. I was lucky to come into the picture after he got clean, though. If he was on drugs when I met him, I wouldn't have gone out with him to begin with because I know how he was at his lowest points. It's easy to point fingers and say they're not worth it because so many of them aren't. Mine was because he WANTED to be.