By Cheap N Happy - 17/02/2012 09:44 - United States

Today, I went out on a first date. He insisted we go to McDonald's and split a Happy Meal because he "didn't want to waste any money on a first date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 700
You deserved it 4 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow how cheap can you be to split a happy meal and not a big mac meal?


They have a dollar menu there. For that price, you could go Dutch. Maybe he was just testing you to see if you're a gold digger.

Dutch person here. What does ''going dutch" actually mean?

"Going Dutch" is an expression for splitting the cost equally between two people. :) I was thinking OP should have offered that too!

dcg1375 7

It means you each pay for your own meal and whatever else you are doing on the date.

Anai08 17

"Gold digger" are you kidding me? I would hope that the expectation that someone would spend more than five dollars on me on a first date wouldn't make me a 'gold digger'. >_>

g_ayvel 11
whocares91 5

It would seem the first data was not compelling enough to inspire the OP to plan for more data.

littlemsweirdo 12

Well, did you at least get the toy from the meal?

Nothing against McDonald's, but not on a first date....

dcg1375 7

Never McDonalds! CRAP food! There is nothing good about McDonalds.

paradiseisland01 0

Why would you want someone like that ! He sounds like a real winner .

reddudeover 2

It's a test op he's weeding out all the gold diggers. Plus you haven't seen his HUMONGOUS **** yet. :D

MickGold 8

Yeah, It was pretty gargantuan! Btw, no need to be a gold digger with him. His condom will give you plenty of that! *wink* *wink* XD