By Anonymous - 18/12/2014 15:34 - Belgium - Antwerpen

Today, I went out to a bar with some of my friends. They're all in committed relationships, but every single one of them got hit on. I'm single, and yet again, nobody even said hi to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 420
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that happens a lot apparently. I think it has to do with the confidence level- they A) aren't looking for partner, and B) are more happy since they have one. many single people don't have the same confidence level and therefore seem less attractive to others.

Don't let it get you down. The right person is out there. Don't be afraid to make the first move either. Throw us guys a line every now and then.


nialls_girl 13

Well my friend has a shirt he wears when he goes out for a drink. It says, "Drink until you want me."

That's why a good friend is always a wingman! Pass it on over!

I use to go to the bar to meet women, but every time I'd go I would look at them and say to myself that they all ready have someone, so I would just sit at the bar and drink and leave it at that. It sucks going to a bar knowing full well. That every girl there has a boyfriend or is married.

just get a few cats, they will love you.

This happens to me a lot too, worst part is I'm as bubbly and laugh a lot like my best friend when we're out, she's got an engagement ring on and everyone talks to her.. can't really figure out what guys want lol

Happens to me all the time, don't fret, go online or do some classes that you would enjoy, you don't want to be picked up at a bar anyway do you?!