By VMV - 01/02/2013 23:53 - Spain - Abrera
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/03/2015 16:56 - United Kingdom - Glasgow
By s3xygrandpa - 06/11/2013 19:09 - United States - Palm Harbor
By Anonymous - 06/07/2019 16:00
Sprinkler system
By missed - 25/06/2021 14:01 - United States
By facepalm - 14/06/2011 08:30 - United States
By sarahrachel - 15/12/2015 03:30 - United States - Albuquerque
Humpty Dumpy
By traumatized - 12/04/2014 18:07 - United States - Brooklyn
Fools rush in
By Anonymous - 15/11/2022 10:00 - United States - Utica
We could be heroes
By OhPleaseNo - 07/04/2020 14:00 - OhPleaseNo
By Oh dear - 05/07/2012 22:15 - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown
Top comments
^ It was Mr. Hankey!
yeah i heard that girls bathrooms are way grosser than guys bathrooms
I used to clean a restaurant when I was in college and I can tell you that on average the men's room is worse but women can be just as disgusting too!
I wish. In my school a couple guys make it their mission to pee ANYWHERE other then the urinal/toilet. I'm talking the hallway and the floors of the bathroom. Immature
Guys don't have that problem, we use bottles:)
Wow! Guys can shit in bottles?!
OP had to pee...
#13- I once saw a ship in a bottle.
Yea well 40, I once saw a dolphin in the toilet...
I like the thread I started.
Next time try to find a shop or a restaurant with a toilet? If you have to buy something to use the restroom, just buy a bottle of water.
Cracker Barrel has an exceptional bathroom.
You realize you just suggested multiple public restrooms, none of which will help. Is this just sarcasm that I'm not seeing?
BaconDave manages the KFC, but recommends the Cracker Barrel restrooms. Well, ok then.
33, when she mention public toilets, I automatically thought of those port-a-loo's (if that's the correct spelling). The restaurant is definitely cleaner that those.
Yeah, and it takes less than 10 seconds.
Takes less than one second... The worst is when there's not even toilet paper to cover it up; why the **** would you drop that, not wipe, not flush, and presumably not wash your hands? Gross on so many levels.
the worst bathrooms are the ones at summerfest here in milwaukee
If they were genuine floaters the person dropping them might have wiped and flushed. Sometimes these things return to the surface. I used to work in a cafe and obviously had to clean the bathroom as well. Those things can be persistent.
They had EYES!?!? I'm so happy we have urinals. Men just leave toilets in the most disgusting states. Luckily, they rarely shit in the urinals (yeah, you heard right, I said "rarely!"), so we usually have a decent place to urinate. Score one for the male gender! Droppin' a deuce could be much dicier.
Once upon a time, we had someone who kept ******** in random places... Sinks, showers, in the corner... We just dubbed him the mad shitter, and never found out who it was...
Do men find it very amusing? shit in random places, that is
I don't understand how hard it is for people to flush the toilet. Seriously, I am a junior in high school and there are disgusting girls that leave their used pads and tampons in the toilets. It's gross.
I don't understand how people get shit on the ******* toilet seat!! How the hell does that even happen?!?Some nasty individuals out there.
Used pads and tampons... In the TOILET? You don't throw those in there! They go in the trash... You're totally right, people can be disgusting sometimes
Some chick graffitied her name on the toilet walls using her shit, literally shit.
And people say men are more gross than women...
You poor thing. I would say plug your nose, close your eyes, and then flush... But it seems you have already pissed your self
I'm sorry that you have such severe anxiety about such a common body function. My first instinct was to laugh but I thought for a moment and, if true, realized how limited your life must be as you can only travel "pee distance" from your home. You should really look into therapy for this.
I like your comment. I especially like that instead of putting OP down for their fear, you thought about what it's like to have it. Your advice is spot on. I'm ashamed to say that I have this fear as well, and it is incredibly limiting. So much so that I have left group events and gone home early because I had to use the restroom. There are therapists who specialize in this phobia, and it's very helpful.
could have just flushed it then used its not that hard. what are u 5 or something
For Op it is that hard since she has a fear of public restrooms.

Good idea, flee and leave them for the next poor sucker to deal with.
I don't understand how hard it is for people to flush the toilet. Seriously, I am a junior in high school and there are disgusting girls that leave their used pads and tampons in the toilets. It's gross.