By Anonymous - 18/04/2009 06:53 - United States

Today, I went out to dinner. The waiter was pretty cute. He greets us, "Hi my name is... (long pause) Jordan." Thinking he was flirting, I quickly smart back, "Are you confused?" He says, "No actually, I have a stutter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 904
You deserved it 69 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i don't get it, how did you think he was flirting??

thuryn 2

You worry too much. This sort of thing happens to *him* every day, all day. Just don't make a big deal out of it, and he'll appreciate it. "Oh! I thought you were flirting! *smile* So what's good here?" That's all it takes. Problem solved.


Lotus_Eater 0

How is that even remotely flirtatious?

I could kind of see where the OP was coming from. She probably didn't ask if he was confused in a bitchy condescending way, but in a playful tone of voice with a hint of a smile. It's not like the OP was psychic and knew the waiter had a stuttering problem already. That said, mistakes like that happen all the time. :) Don't worry about it.

Yet another girl that thinks every dude that speaks to them is coming onto them.

Jordyn345 4

Hoped you tipped well for that terrible flirty comeback.

lol I agree with #12. That's the first thing that came to my mind when I read it.

dr_house_MD 0

god...i stutter and he should have written this not you. its horrible when that happens to me. you, OP, are an idiot

dr_house_MD 0

oh and #6, you obviously don't know a stutterer. Saying 'my mistake' DOES NOT make us stutterers feel any better. If it was me, what the OP said would literally ruin my day

Ah yes, the age old flirting technique of a long pause.