By Skoff - 23/07/2015 09:44 - Australia - Rydalmere

Today, I went out to inspect the backyard. There are now more than two dozen spiders hanging out and webs crossing from one side of the yard to the other. I have decided to surrender this territory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 103
You deserved it 2 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

Well it looks like your only option is to burn it.

Straya spiders. Pretty soon the whole damn place is gonna be one big spider web.


nattlecakes 19

I see only one solution. Get out the flamethrower

Seeing that you live in Australia, I can tell you it's a spider migration. It should pass over within the coming days, but you may have to kill or relocate stragglers. That sucks OP, I would never dream of this due to my Arachnophobia.

Surrender? That's step one...step two is to get the gas and a match...

For safe measure burn the whole block down.

well of course he's in Australia and has problems with spiders.

On the bright side, you're probably not gonna have any insect problems any time soon!

nitemastr15 17

Time to burn down the house and move across the country.