By Skoff - 23/07/2015 09:44 - Australia - Rydalmere

Today, I went out to inspect the backyard. There are now more than two dozen spiders hanging out and webs crossing from one side of the yard to the other. I have decided to surrender this territory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 103
You deserved it 2 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

Well it looks like your only option is to burn it.

Straya spiders. Pretty soon the whole damn place is gonna be one big spider web.


Oh, you in the area where it's raining spiders? Heard about that about a month ago. Enjoy living in a horror movie!

I would advise a pest control that specializes in spiders, before they reproduce. Failing that, I submit that you consider moving away from Australia with all due haste, being careful to not bring any spider with you to your new home.

EcoAirWarrior 7

I personally like spiders but some types are venomous like the brown recluse or black widow so I would identify the spiders then either take action by destroying webbing and removing excess vegetation that can harbour insects that attract spiders or obtain professional assistance.

Flamethrower. Take back your property from those commie bastards

I'm more upset at the 2k people who said it's even possible to deserve such an awful fate. Get the gasoline...

A simple solution: A can of Axe and a Zippo Lighter.

definitely sounds like Australia lol

This genuinely sounds like a scene from Harry Potter...