By Anonymous - 20/11/2011 00:21 - United States

Today, I went outside for a cigarette since I don't like smoking in the house. When I was done, I stomped it out. I wasn't wearing shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 125
You deserved it 66 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Jeez, now your foot is probably as disgusting looking as your lungs.


DRoCC401 0

**** these people keep smoking. Just next time wear sneakers if your going to step on a burning hot cigarette.

I hate you idiots. It's always "that's what you get for smoking" or "smoking is bad for you". Trust me, smokers GET IT. The thing is, we don't give a damn and pious morons like you are the reason we smoke. It makes it easier to deal with your stupidity and we will die earlier so we don't have to be around as long to deal with it.

Maybe you should go see a therapist like no joke...

hateevryone 14

bet you'll wear shoes next time, huh?

YDI OP. if you were outside and couldnt tell you werent wearing shoes before you steped on the bud.... like really....

To all the whining little crybabies...... CAR EXHAUST IS JUST AS BAD, IF NOT WORSE FOR YOU THAN SMOKE. I mean, it's only burning gasoline, after all. The air we breath is so damn polluted it isn't even funny. To think that being away from smokers gives you a "breath of fresh air" is laughable, at best. You're all so cute holding your breath around smokers and such.

I'm curious to know how many of the "you shouldn't smoke" crowd live. I'm wondering exactly how many of you drink? Alcohol is poison to the human body. How many of you do any kind of drugs, including marijuana? You don't think that's bad for your lungs? You still inhale smoke from a burning object. the majority of people who die in fires do so by smoke inhalation, not by burns. How many of you eat fast food? It's so easy to judge others while conveniently forgetting our own vices, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand your point.