By Ania - 15/10/2011 05:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my mom. I went into my department and tried on some clothes. After a few minutes, there is an announcement that a child has gone missing. Staff are searching the store. I see my mom and she hugs me in tears and yells, "I found her!" I'm almost 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 893
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments


zuzupetalsYO 11

This situation is what texting is for. "Where the heck are you?!"

dont u have a cellphone? y cudnt she txt u

I don't get why people shop with their moms once they're old enough to drive themselves or most likely have friends that could drive. Unless "almost 17" means 15, go without her.

I shop with my mom all the time. ever heard of bonding with your mom? Mother/daughter afternoons? obviously not.

My mommy pays for things when I have her take me shopping :) But seriously, my parents refused to let me get in a car with a friend driving it when I was that age. And if OP's mom is protective enough to do this, I'm willing to bet she would also refuse to let OP ride with her dopey teen-aged friends.

skyeyez9 24

I go shopping with mom sometimes, and I am married and have an 8yr old child of my own. Its more to spend time together than to shop.

I called them & told them my mom was missing. No service in the store at all, and I searched the store for at least 30 minutes. Turns out she had been searching for me the whole time. Its better to be safe than sorry. its not like you're ever going to see the people again.

zembof 3

Good luck when u leave for college

That sucks! Gotta love over protective moms!:D mine is like that too so I gotchu!

You will still be your mothers child at 70.

There have been a lot of women older than you who have been abducted from stores. ydi if you didn't tell her you were leaving. On the plus side, now is a great time to ask her for a cell phone if you don't have one.