By Ania - 15/10/2011 05:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my mom. I went into my department and tried on some clothes. After a few minutes, there is an announcement that a child has gone missing. Staff are searching the store. I see my mom and she hugs me in tears and yells, "I found her!" I'm almost 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 893
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Caring about your child isn't wrong, but couldn't she at least text or call you instead?

bugsfunny 0

Idk why 'most' of the people who are 'not' asians are always ashamed of their parents care/acts/etc. Asian calls it Love, F what people think, atleast we have parents who loves us and care for us. =] no heart feelings.

Jaws1240 0

Why didn't she just call you?...

GoldenMantis 4
biancanick1 0

Someone is sheltered and there's this new thing you should tell your mom it's called texting or call or how bout look before you do anything rash?

chels1994 11
YummiGummi 0

like my mom, lol. But don't worry op, she just really cares about you (:

I am eighteen, and my mom still does that.

Props to your mom, don't ever leave her.