By Ania - 15/10/2011 05:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my mom. I went into my department and tried on some clothes. After a few minutes, there is an announcement that a child has gone missing. Staff are searching the store. I see my mom and she hugs me in tears and yells, "I found her!" I'm almost 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 893
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Get yourselves some phones, your mum sounds near-traumatised.

Next time hour out with her, have them do a missing person announcement, looking for a senile old lady, may or may not respond to own her name!

kickassblackbelt 0

Imagine what will happen when you go to college..

Jewdazking23 5're 16 then? I'm not sure what age almost 17 is. I thought that was something kids say in elementary school.

durbins95 0
durbins95 0

When applying to colleges, do it to schools far way from home, but tell her you're looking mostly in the state. It's the best way to get some distance. But make sure to call on a regular basis.

colafizz1 6