By rejectedmidair - 13/11/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, I went through with my elaborate plans to propose to my girlfriend with creativity. I took her skydiving and proposed in midair. She rejected it. Why? She wanted a more "traditional" proposal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 215
You deserved it 7 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.

Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.


Hugorgy 0

*sigh* Why do women want this perfect fairytale wedding when everything goes exactly according to plan? This is a place called reality, life does not work that way.

Brittface 6

YDI.... 1) for going out with a bitch like that. cuz even if I was traditional I would still think it's sweet and say yes. 2) you oviously don't know her well enough though....

Every girl wants her man to go down on one knee *u*

then when you land get on one knee and ask her the traditional way

What an inconsiderate little bitch. I don't understand how she would prefer some cheesy, on one knee thing to something way more creative like sky diving.

YDI. It reminds me of those idiot guys who propose at some sports game on the jumbotron or whatever... It's a crappy idea, and she probably wasn't in the mood for romance while hurtling towards the ground in exhilaration. Sure, it's exciting, spontaneous, whatever..... Is it romantic? Not in the slightest... unless you guys are career skydivers.

Romantic IS exciting, spontaneous, and original to many people. Appeal to tradition is a logical fallacy that states "because it has always been this way (or done this way), it is therefore better to stay this way." Bandwagon is a logical fallacy that states "Because many other people do it, it's the right thing to do." Because "romance" has been /traditionally/ defined by and shown /in several movies and shows/ as Paris, wine, stars, kneeling, sparkling eyes filled with tears, etc... it is obviously what it is and forever will be for everyone. But of course he's just a complete, selfish asshole for taking a lot of effort and perhaps spending a lot of money to try and stir feeling in her or do something that he thinks she'll like, and thus doesn't deserve her, so whatever eh?

I think the fact that he was proposing was supposed to make it romantic... you know, you don't always have to have wine and candlelight and a hired violinist. Surprises can be good too. Just not for this girl, apparently. That doesn't mean that other girls don't have a sense of adventure.

I would find it romantic. But then again, I'm working towards being a career skydiver. It's a hell of a lot of fun. :) What could be better then doing what you love every single day, and sharing that love with other people? That's my question. I'd be no good at a desk job. Nope nope nope!

OrangeAipom 0

I wouldn't really be able to enjoy the skydive since I'd be thinking too hard and it's like wtf.

You can take me skydiving. I've always wanted to go skydiving.
