By rejectedmidair - 13/11/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, I went through with my elaborate plans to propose to my girlfriend with creativity. I took her skydiving and proposed in midair. She rejected it. Why? She wanted a more "traditional" proposal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 215
You deserved it 7 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.

Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.


Forget her, your proposal was creative.

I dunno there has to be another reason I can't understand how you'd pass that up if it's how your guy went through that trouble to make it special and u really loved him. I dunno seems like a lame excuse but either way sorry it didn't turn out the way you planed.

Way to not know what your girlfriend wants. Did you not talk at all about marriage in the future?