By rejectedmidair - 13/11/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, I went through with my elaborate plans to propose to my girlfriend with creativity. I took her skydiving and proposed in midair. She rejected it. Why? She wanted a more "traditional" proposal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 218
You deserved it 7 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.

Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.


Colors_fml 0

You could still propose without talking. Here's a ring. Get the picture?

Gavik 0

How can women have the right to drive if they can't even say yes in times like this?

Maybe she should've just been ******* GRATEFUL that you proposed.

palmtrees 1

She needs to be grateful that he proposed? I don't think it works like that... happy, yes, but grateful, no. It's not like he's doing her a favor - presumably he wants to get married too if he's proposing.

All I'm saying is that there are a lot of girls out there that WISH their boyfriends would propose. This broad gets a proposal and because it's not done exactly the way she wants it she has the audacity to say no? I mean, really. There are a lot of girls that don't get traditional proposals/exactly the kind of proposal they wanted and they still say yes. Her saying no because it wasn't "traditional" enough for her speaks volumes about her personality. In short, she's a bitch. Any questions?

palmtrees 1

There's a difference between saying you think she's being too picky for not accepting and saying she should be "grateful" he proposed... I'm still going to disagree with the word choice there.

citycrazed25 0

#96 i strongly agree with you on this one. Also, think if you were in this situation. Would you tell the person you love no because you didn't want it done a certain way. I think thats being bossy and being a bitch. Really, how does this sound? Man: Will you marry me? Woman: no Man: Why? Woman: Because I wanted you to propose to me at the park, not at dinner. All in all she shouldn't be so picky. This might be the last man to ever ask to marry her. Of course she has the right to say no but if he went all out and planned this for her i think she is asking for too much. That's if she loves him.

She wants traditional? Then knock her up!! Or just tell her daddy you knocked her up...

palmtrees 1

I just don't think it's a romantic way to propose. Personally, I'd want to be able to share a romantic moment, even a brief one, with my boyfriend/fiance when he proposed, not be completely distracted by us both plummeting toward the earth. It's not like the girl said, "Ohmygod that wasn't EXACTLY how I wanted it now I'll NEVER marry you!!!" - she just wants something that's not quite so extreme.

In short, whoever your girlfriend is she is ******* lame. In the 21st century the idea of "romance" has been completely changed by ******* morons who think it means going to a french restaurant and drinking expensive wine, when really, any genre of situation or idea can be "romantic". You're girlfriend needs to get over herself, but more importantly DON'T TAKE ANY ADVICE FROM FML COMMENTS.

Women are so goddamn picky. Being one myself, I can't believe someone would let "The way someone proposed" get in the way of saying yes. If you really love someone it shouldn't matter where or how it happens just that it does. She's gonna be that girl who makes you poor just to buy her 1-time-wear wedding dress. More women need to drink beer, watch UFC, and quit being snots. Nuff Said.

Maybe she felt it was an inappropriate way to propose? Would you say the same thing if he was sitting on the cr@pper and suddenly decided to pop the question? Or is there a line to be drawn? Different people find different things acceptable. This obviously just didn't do it for her. He should have known better. And what's this comment about bankrupting him for a wedding dress? I thought the bride's parents are supposed to foot the bill. Isn't that how it's traditionally done?

VillageGirl 0

I would have loved to be proposed to like that! If I were you, I would reconsider spending my life with a woman who is unable to take a risk or accept anything unique and untraditional.

theblazian 0

Everyone is reading way too into it.... I for one would never propose to a girl while sky diving, bungee-jumping, etc. because it strikes me as borderline retarded. As hard as it is for most of the fmlers out there to understand not everybody likes what is supposed to be one of the most romantic moments of your life to be EXTREEEEEEEME!!!!111111!!!! I don't see it as taking a risk or unable to accept anything unique or nontraditional.... it just isn't her cup of tea and you should know her well enough to accept that. But what am I saying.... thats way to rational.... ZOMG SHE LIEK DOESNT WONT TO BE PROPSDE WHILE WRSTLING A SHARK? SHE IS SOOO UNGR8ful!

Cloudy_fml 0

I don't get why EITHER of you care HOW the proposal happens.

I don't get why so many people commenting on here are acting like this guy is a moron for proposing like this because "he should know his girlfriend better". Did it ever occur to you that maybe skydiving is something they both enjoy? Maybe skydiving is something they do on a regular basis and he was completely justified in thinking that this is a proposal she would enjoy. It may not be his fault because she up and decides she wants a more "traditional" proposal. If my boyfriend proposed to me like that, I wouldn't say no because it wasn't the "down on one knee and then kiss in the rain after saying yes" cheesy proposal that I dreamed about when I was a little girl. I would actually be really touched that my boyfriend went to such lengths to try and make the proposal memorable and special. I would say yes, regardless of the way he proposed (and obviously assuming that I felt he was "the one") because I loved him. Not because I think the proposal would make an "omgtotallyperfectromanticstory" to tell the grand kids someday. Actually, this skydiving proposal would make a much more fun and interesting story to tell people. Also, why does this proposal have to be what the girl wants? Yeah, I know the guy is one proposing, but what if the guy has a particular way that he wants to propose that would make it perfect to him? Sure, not all men care or dream about proposing like women do, but it should still an enjoyable experience for him too.

I think it's a general rule that the one doing the asking has to do it the way the one being asked wants it done. I'd imagine as a way of gaining favour. Yes, they could be skydivers. Yes, it could be something they do regularly. But surely by this time they should have spoken about marriage and their dreams for the day etc. and from these discussions he should have been able to gather she leaned toward the more traditional way of things with regard to marriage. You might think that a skydiving proposal would make for a better story, but not everyone would feel that way. I, for one, wouldn't. I think it's a rather stupid way to propose, but that's me. I still maintain he should have known better.

They usually speak about dreams and stuff when they're already engaged. "Pop the question" implies surprise. It's a surprise to ask to get married. Marriages are a result of surprise. Only obsessive little princesses want to babble on and on about their perfect wedding and proposal, and I feel sorry for any guy on their arms; constantly having to jump through hoops because she needs everything to be HER way or it's NO way. And really, again, if you /love them/ and /want to get married to them/, why does it matter how they proposed? They proposed! They love you and want to marry you back! Jeez. If she wants to be so anal because it didn't 100% pander to her ego, then he should probably bail, because imagine how THAT wedding and marriage goes... Bridezilla, anyone?

Only speaking about dreams "and stuff" once they're already engaged is retarded. Do they only discuss whether or not they want children once they're married? Am I weird for thinking these things should be spoken about before any long term commitments are made? Surely these things factor in when seeing if you're compatible? Yes, "pop the question" implies surprise, but is it just in South Africa where people talk about their willingness to marry one another before the "official" asking of the question? I'm not one of those prissy little princesses that has to have everything "just so", and I'm really not into all the "traditional wedding stuff". Lucky for me that my husband isn't either. I mentioned before how he proposed and how we got married. Because I was lucky enough to have it all my way I can understand how other girls would want to have it their way. Forgive me for not thinking this girl is a total bitch because she wants the man she marries to make her dreams come true. Now, isn't *that* romance?

First of all, again, does it /matter/? If she /loves him/, it doesn't matter how he /proposes/ . The "dream come true" stuff is in the wedding and marriage. If the person I loved and wanted to marry me proposed while covered in dog shit, **** the lack of romance WE'RE GETTING MARRIED DAMN IT. Plenty of time for romance later. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can break off an engagement easily, and can also last for a good while. Around here, you give signs that you are willing to marry someone, you don't just go "hey I want your proposal to be just like this" or "what do you think if we get married?" - that kind of kills the whole point of the surprise, so you give off signs instead.

Oh, and there's a difference between "it's my dream to see Europe" kinds of things and "it's my dream to have my proposal go exactly like this" kinds of things. Really, the latter is rather expectative and unfairly puts such pressure on the partner. And if you're one of those to argue "well he should have known her better" - her directly telling him isn't knowing her like he should. He has to take the initiative to discover it himself.