By Anonymous - 07/08/2012 06:16 - United States

Today, I went to a BBQ. The night was going well until I had to wrestle car keys away from my intoxicated mother in front of all my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 577
You deserved it 1 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better than going to her funeral knowing that you could've made a difference. Be proud that you made the right decision.

"Stop it mom, you're embarrassing me..." "Ermahgerd! Cer Keeeeeeeez!"


You need to look at it like this be embarrassed for a week or regret your choice for life if u mom killed any one on her way home

hisgirlherboy 5

Colon after "look at it like this", and comma after "for a week". Also, your* and anyone*. God, this generation needs help

63- You forgot a period. Oh my God, your generation must be the stupidest group of people I've ever met! Everyone in your generation must have been born during an educational turmoil if they don't even know about the proper punctuation of a period at the end of a sentence! I am appalled. *shakes head in disappointment*

Nymphetamatrix 19

Op's mother was just about to drive around the streets intoxicated not only endangering herself but others too and you ask how the food was? Dafuq, man.

mrnuleef 7

At least you dont think your mom is the "cool mom" for doing that. Good save.

liu xiang , a hero, fell down in 110m hurdle say goodbye to my hero

And the chinese may have came first in swimming but yet they still manage to drown in Bondi beach (Sydney) RIP :(

She's the one who will be embarrassed tomorrow, not you. You're a hero. You could have saved her life, or saved the life of an innocent person who she could have killed. Makes me sick.

At least you saved your mom's life, OP. as embarrassing as it could have been, look past it and think about the lives you saved!:)

Good for you for doing the right thing, saving your mother's and possibly other peoples lives. But I must ask, did the embarrassment come only from the fact that your mother was drunk? Or because she took you in two out of three falls?

I like to say in public, "mom, you're drunk."

perdix 29

I'm imagining a guy in tights in a WWF ring getting pummeled by a little, drunk, old lady in a Mexican wrestling mask flinging herself off the ropes to lay the smackdown on the OP while defiantly displaying the keys. Did anyone else read it that way?

I saw it with the same scene and outfits, but with headlocks and choke slams going down instead of the flinging off ropes.

I almost had a heart attack; I read 'flinging' as 'fingering'.

You could have just put her down easily with a sleeper hold. OP: Sorry mom but you can't drive. Mom: Whadeer yous mean I caa.... OP: Goodnight.