By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 09:14 - Taiwan

Today, I went to a club and my friends and I went up on the stage, then the security told me to get down and said the stage was only for girls. I'm 23. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 278
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babbling27 0

What does your age have to do with it?

i feel sorry for people who get called a man when they are a woman and vise versa


lexxi_fml 0

6 - haha yea, what does your age have to do with anything??

hey I moderated this one! :-P I have to ask, are you not well endowed? Surgery can fix that....

#6 - that's the only thought I had about this. it's bugging me cause it seems so out of place. it's not like we'd think she hadn't hit puberty yet or something if she managed to get into a club

cartering 0

Actually if you are 23, you aren't a girl. You are a woman ;)

Plastic surgery resolves this, and many other problems xD.

Ox_Baker 0

I hate it when ugly chicks get up on the stage at clubs.

lol # 10 that's depending on if she had nice boobs otherwise that would have just reinforced the security guards decision...

maybe he meant "stage is only for pretty girls" :3

Beanxo22ox 0

Wow. This really is FML. How were you dressed? Maybe it was the lighting.

The dude was probably just being an asshole, cuz in order to have a job where you throw people off stage, you'd have to be.