By Yeppets - 27/07/2014 18:44 - United States

Today, I went to a comedy show with my mom, and they asked the audience members to yell out their problems as ideas for an improv skit. My mom yelled, "My daughter can't get a boyfriend!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 152
You deserved it 4 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've yelled "My mom is a judgmental bitch!"

Don't you love it when moms think their children are failures


ulissey_fml 22

Loads of writers and stand-up comics have made tons of money by telling jokes about their loud, embarrassing and over possessive moms. Get down to work and get your own back !

how old are you? if you're under 18, i can understand. but, if you are 18+ then i wouldn't blame her. im 22 and i have a boyfriend of 3 years. you should do the same, it's not that hard. you should always listen to your mum. xo

SystemofaBlink41 27

It's hard for a lot people, actually. It's not that easy to just go out your front door and find a three year relationship.

well, if its hard for you to find a boyfriend then you got problems. i went out and socialized, met this guy, dated several months later. boom. if you're an adult, your priorities should be starting a family of your own. Yeppet's mom obviously wants the best for her daughter. what if she wants grand kids. always respect your parents wishes and honor your parents. that's what i always have been taught :]]]] xo

Not everybody wants a family or even a relationship. And respecting your parents doesn't mean doing exactly what they want you to do with your own life.

#72... Wow. Just wow. I don't understand where you grew up or where you lived your life, but wanting things doesn't make it so. Just because you want a relationship with someone and connect with a multitude of people, doesn't mean it's that easy to foster a relationship. You just happened to get incredibly lucky to meet someone you clicked with without having to meet a lot of people. Most other people are not so lucky. Most people need to meet a lot of people to finally have the right chemistry with. Also, it's not a person's job to live up to mommy and daddy's wishes. Just because her mom may want her in a relationship, doesn't mean she should go get one. That's the most unintelligent thing to go do. You're affecting someone else's life by trying to enter in a relationship that you have no stake or feelings in just to make mommy happy.

That's great for you, but like others have said, it's not always that easy. I was completely single for five years (ages 15-20). It's not like I didn't socialize and get to know people, and I'm not scared of talking to guys (heck, several of my close friends are male). It's not even that I wasn't interested or couldn't find guys who were interested. But the guys I liked were never the ones who liked me, so dating just kind of didn't happen until right before I turned 21.

#72 you sound incredibly immature for a 22 year old. Firstly, not everyone wants to be in a relationship or start a family. As people have said, OP could be aromantic. Secondly, it's not easy for everyone to find a boyfriend because not everyone can find someone they connect with right away. I'm 19 and I have friends who have never dated anyone. There's nothing wrong with them, they just haven't connected with anyone on that level yet. So stop being so judgemental

why is getting a boy friend so important ? you should get married instead.

Um, it's kind of common for husbands to start out as boyfriends.

nitrog100 21

Well that does sound like a problem. If you're the one that asked her to go to the show with you, you might come off as being unable to find a boyfriend. You may want to refrain from engaging in couple-y activities like that in the future.

martin8337 35

Abd let the comedy routine begin.

Brody_Generico 7

This is wrong. You do what you want especially without the embarrassment