By dodgerkiss - 10/06/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I went to a Dodger game with my crush. Between innings, the "Kiss cam" came up on the big screen. The camera happened to land on us, and when my crush saw us on the screen, he leaned away from me and buried his face in his hands. Everyone saw, and sympathetically said "Awww." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 235
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahahaha #1. Maybe he's just shy? If he took you to the game, he probably likes you to begin with.


idontsinkso34 0

I've seen this FML before. YDI for copying an FML.

CyclonePsycho 1

#93: I even moderated a few times before I had an account. I'd do it more often, but there's so much crap to wade through. It's a friggin disaster area. @_@ OP: Dun sweat it. I hate being on camera too. Having to kiss someone in front of all those people is pretty intimidating. I don't think he was trying to be rude, just a crippling case of shyness.

Maybe he was embarrased, at least you werent sat next to your brother - someone I know!

He most likely is just shy. It would be a FML if he made it a point to motion that your just friends

I guess you could say he's a Dodger at heart. =X

TheZephyrSon 3

#24, think about it...this was very different from the Cavs one...just because it's similar, doesn't mean it's fake. That sucks, but it sounds to me like he was just shy.

AlexNeenan 0

Thank you #80. I hate that baseball stadiums now have to have all this extra shit for all the yuppie assholes who can't appreciate the game. Go to a game at Wrigley - no mascots, no jumbotrons, no silly games or antics...just $9 beer, great starting pitching, and zero clutch hitting.

Crystalyo 0

I swear i've read this before, but it's not like these things aren't common. This happends to people all the time. OP: hahahahahahaha(:

newguy12 0

wow, there was another one exactly like this not too long ago.