By dodgerkiss - 10/06/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I went to a Dodger game with my crush. Between innings, the "Kiss cam" came up on the big screen. The camera happened to land on us, and when my crush saw us on the screen, he leaned away from me and buried his face in his hands. Everyone saw, and sympathetically said "Awww." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 235
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahahaha #1. Maybe he's just shy? If he took you to the game, he probably likes you to begin with.


Awww. That's so awkward. I'm sorry about that. But at least the crowd didn't laugh, sometimes they do at stuff like that. Find a better crush?

I wouldn't wanna kiss someone for the first time in front of a whole stadium full of people. Don't sweat it and watch how he acts later to see if he seems to like you too.

isnt the 21st century suppose to have gender equality? bust a move!

the100champ 0

I work as a cameraman for a AAA baseball team and this happens every so often with kiss cam. We like to push the people who don't at first by going to someone else, then coming back to them with a text saying "Just kiss him (or her) already!" As for you I'm sorry, but be patient, you never know. He was probably just shy

ghall 0

It sounds like he's shy. Don't take it personally.

Topguy 0

Wow that sucks... Damn promotional crap...

carolinagirl13 0

big dodgers fan. never been to LA but its a pretty chill place

see that's the point where you poor your drink on him and go home.

ilovekelly 0

he was probably shy! thats so cute:)