By dodgerkiss - 10/06/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I went to a Dodger game with my crush. Between innings, the "Kiss cam" came up on the big screen. The camera happened to land on us, and when my crush saw us on the screen, he leaned away from me and buried his face in his hands. Everyone saw, and sympathetically said "Awww." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 235
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahahaha #1. Maybe he's just shy? If he took you to the game, he probably likes you to begin with.


O... Im preart sure he was just shy. RI

There's a lot of people that won't kiss on that here in Baltimore, even married people. Some people are just shy. I wouldn't feel too bad. Like someone else said, if he took you to the game then he's probably into you.

That sux-at least every1 said "awww" and felt bad instead of laughing-but this does seem really familiar to the fml wherethe girl goes to a basebal game with her crush and the kiss cam goes on them, he said "not in this lifetime"

myfairyoshi_fml 0

#9 their not going out that was just her crush

The part about you being on screen with your eyes closed, mouth agape and your tongue probing the air like a big meat flag flapping in a hurricane must have been priceless!

xjordanxjadedx 0

Today, the guy that I like took me on to the Cavaliers game. At the game, on the jumbotron they do a thing where they show couples and have them kiss, the camera goes on to us and as I go into kiss him he turns and says "not in this lifetime". The entire stadium got to see me get rejected. FML ( posted in April.

pantlessben 0

The Dodgers played the Padres in LA yesterday. You might be identifying yourself a little too closely. Many of your friends that read this site will know you went to the game yesterday, and probably who you went with. I expect your crush is gonna know what you think of him by the end of today... Good luck!

Calling B.S. YDI for watching baseball!