By Anonymous - 17/05/2013 20:10 - United States

Today, I went to a local Indian takeaway, since I'm from India originally, and none of my friends speak Hindi. I went up to the counter and placed my order in Hindi with the seemingly Indian owner. He gave me a weird look and said, "Huh? Speak English, ya rimjob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 107
You deserved it 13 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Assuming, gets you everytime.

I guess he's Naan-Native of your Mother Land.


Kimmy___888 8

You totally deserved this. Obviously you're in an area where that isn't be main language, so the only reason I could see for you ordering like that is to look cool and show off. Don't be such an asshat next time.

well, he should atleast know his mother tongue >.

rhcpgurl 18

that's what you get for assuming. And my personal opinion, slightly racist of you. Just because you look at someone and they look a certain race does not indicate they speak the language. Shame on you.

Normally I would agree to this statement, but this happened in an Indian takeaway...

Megan98 18

Well if the owner acted like that right off the bat I wouldn't order there anyways.

Why didn't you ask if he spoke Hindi first? There are a ton of other languages in India other than Hindi... Tamil, Malayalam, Gujurathy, etc. he probably spoke one of those.

Most people working in restaurants speak the language of the country they are in - surely your friends could have gone up?

I'm assuming you know SOME English, otherwise your FML wouldn't be so eloquently written.

Actually, Hindi has several dialects spoken across north India. As you go south, Hindi gets less common and English becomes more common. States in India are divided on linguistic basis - simply put there are as many languages as there are states in India. Also, Hindi is NOT the national language. It's one of the official languages, the other being English. The official language inter-state is english and intra-state is the state's own language. Our constitution is written in English as well. In OP's defense, if you're the owner of an Indian restaurant, you should at least know Hindi or be polite about it if you don't (but that's in any service industry).

not_bothered 10

I'm Sri Lankan and speak Sinhalese, and I get spoken to in Hindi quite a lot, by people assuming that I speak their language.. I would have found it annoying too.

blackvyper 8

That's why English is called an international language...