By Anonymous - 17/05/2013 20:10 - United States

Today, I went to a local Indian takeaway, since I'm from India originally, and none of my friends speak Hindi. I went up to the counter and placed my order in Hindi with the seemingly Indian owner. He gave me a weird look and said, "Huh? Speak English, ya rimjob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 111
You deserved it 13 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Assuming, gets you everytime.

I guess he's Naan-Native of your Mother Land.


perdix 29

He could have just smiled and given you a Vegemite sandwich.

metalcrazed 21

That's what you get for being pretentious and trying to impress people

Speaking your native language = being pretentious?

That's unfair to assume OP was attempting to 'impress' someone by speaking his mother-tongue. He clearly stated that none of his friends speak it, from the FML I got the vibe that OP was thrilled at the thought of being able to communicate in that fashion again. If you went to... Lets say Japan... And you spoke Japanese all day, everyday for years, you'd be very happy if someone spoke your language once in a while. It doesn't make you pretentious to attempt it once in a while if you feel they of all people might understand you.

Omg I think I just found my new favorite insult: calling someone rimjob! My life is complete :)

Still I think that's worth the expression...they should know their native language though...besides the point that he looks Indian...

So you're saying because he looks Indian he should know the countries native language? Even if they've lived in America all their lives?? That's stupid.

Assuming someone should speak a certain language while looking at their skin colour borders on racism, just so you know.

I don't know if this is a Your life sucks or you deserve it.

This is a stone cold one hundred percent You Deserve It. When the authorities do something like this we call it racial profiling and condemn them for it. America is the great melting pot, you can't assume that someone speaks a language because of the way they look and where the work.

How the ******* **** is this racist?? I live in Wales in the UK and the county I'm from doesn't speak a lot of Welsh. I went to school and learnt a little. I now work in an office where I answer the phone bilingually because we're asked to and although I don't speak Welsh people will start the conversation in Welsh and I have to politely stop them. Is that racist? That they've assumed I can speak it? No. Racism is getting out of control I think, you can barely breathe properly these days without someone saying "that's racist."

Apples and oranges. You answer the phone in two languages so it's not unreasonable for the person calling to assume you speak both. This guy is seemingly indian and works or runs an indian restaurant in the US. Unless OP can hear them speaking a foreign language with own ears or there is a sign saying YOU CAN ORDER IN HINDI or the like, it is exactly racial profiling to make that sort of assumption. You are making broad assumptions based on color and/or ethnicity. I'm clearly not saying there's racial discrimination going on, but racial profiling certainly is.

Knew a guy, went to a Mexican restaurant. The waiters all spoke with heavy accents, so he decided to speak Spanish to them, as he'd taken over three years in the class. The waiter leaned down and whispered, "Hey man, we just do it for atmosphere. I don't know a word of that shit."